Balai Budidaya Laut Ambon Jl. Laksda Leowatimena Waiheru – Ambon MALUKU 97232
Telp. 0911-315078
Fax. 0911-315078
Balai Budidaya Laut Batam Jembatan III Balereng Pulau Sentako-Kota Batam PO BOX 60 Sekupang – batan
Telp. 0778-381042
Fax. 0778-381206
Balai Besar Pengembangan Budidaya Air Payau (BBPBAP) Jepara Jl. Pemandian Kartini PO BOX No.1 Jepara JAWA TENGAH 59401
Telp. 0291-591125
Fax. 0291- 591724
Balai Besar Pengembangan Budidaya Laut Lampung Tromol Pos 72 LAMPUNG
Telp. 0721-471379, 471380
Fax. 0721- 471379
Balai Budidaya Laut Lombok Jl. Jend. Sudiraman No.27 Lombok Tengah NUSA TENGGARA BARAT PO BOX 128 Praya
Telp. 0370- 625963
Fax. 0370- 625963
Balai Budidaya Air Tawar Mandiangin Jl. Tahura Sultan Adam Mandiangin Banjarbaru KALIMANTAN SELATAN 70661
Telp. 0511-780758
Balai Budidaya Air Tawar Sei Gelam Jl. Sungai Gelam – Kumpeulu Muaro JAMBI 363361
Telp. 0741-54472
Fax. 0741- 54468
Balai Budidaya Air Payau Situbondo Jl. Raya Pacaron JAWA TIMUR PO BOX 5 Pamanukan Situbondo
Telp. 0338- 673328, 390043
Fax. 0338-671298
Balai Besar Pengembangan Budidaya Air Tawar Sukabumi Jl. Salabintana No.17 Sukabumi JAWA BARAT
Tel. 0266-225211
Fax. 0266-221762
Balai Budidaya Air Payau Takalar Ds. Bontelo- Galesong Selatan Kab. Takalar – Ujung Pandang SULAWESI SELATAN 92254
Telp. 0411-320730
Fax. 0411-858779
Balai Budidaya Air Payau Tatelu Jl. Pinilih Desa Tatelu Kec. Dimimbe Kab. Minahasa SULAWESI UTARA
Telp. 0431-821170
Fax. 0431- 821171
Balai Budidaya Air Payau Ujung Batee Jl. Krueng Raya Km. 16 Banda Aceh NANGROE ACEH DARUSSALAM PO BOX 46
Telp. 0651- 24686, 53221, 23181
Fax. 0651-3333

Daftar Himpunan/Asosiasi Perikanan

Nama Himpunan/Asosiasi
Alamat dan Nomor Telepon
Himpunan Nelayan Seluruh Indonesia (HNSI) Jl. H. Juanda No. 2, Jakarta Pusat
Telp. (021) 3813976
Fax. (021) 3813976
Masyarakat Perikanan Nusantara (MPN) Wisma Daria Lt. 3 R. 304
Jl. Iskandarsyah Raya No. 7
Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan 12160
Telp. (021) 72794407
Fax. (021) 7294405
Gabungan Pengusaha Perikanan Indonesia (GAPPINDO) Wisma Sakura Lt. 2
Jl. Hati Suci No. 4 Taman Kebon Siri, Jakarta Pusat 10250
Telp. (021) 3910481
Fax. (021) 3910480
Ikatan Sarjana Perikanan Indonesia (ISPIKANI) Wisma Daria Lt. 3
Jl. Iskandarsyah Raya No. 7, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan
Telp. (021) 72794407
Fax. (021) 72794405
Himpunan Mahasiswa Perikanan Indonesia (HIMAPIKANI) Fakultas Perikanan Ilmu Kelautan IPB
Jl. Dermaga, Bogor
Telp. (0251) 622909
Fax. (0251) 622907
Asosiasi Tuna Indonesia (ASTUIN) Central Plaza Building 19th floor
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 48, Jakarta Pusat atau
Wisma Panutan Jl. Muara Baru Ujung Blok B 25
Jakarta Utara
Telp. (021) 5250629, 5207990 atau
Telp. (021) 4700409, 4892282
Himpunan Pengusaha Penangkapan Udang Indonesia (HPPI) Gedung Arsa Lt.2
Jl. Siaga Raya No. 31, Jakarta Selatan
Telp. (021) 7987309
Serikat Nelayan Nusantara (SENUSA) Jl. Mampang Prapatan XV No. 99, Mampang, Jakarta Selatan
Telp. (021) 7993580
Fax. (021) 7993566
Asosiasi Tuna Long Line Indonesia (ATLI) (Benoa Bali)
Jl. Mampang Prapatan XV No. 99, Mampang,
Jakarta Selatan
Telp. (021) 7993580
Fax. (021) 7993566
Asosiasi Pengusaha Pengalengan Ikan Indonesia (APIKI) Inti Utama Building
Jl. Cipinang Indah Raya No. 1 Jakarta Timur
Telp. (021) 8196910, 8508587
Asosiasi Pengusaha Non Tuna dan Non Udang Indonesia (ASPINTU) Telp. (021) 3807838
Fax. (021) 6916750
Himpunan Pengusaha Penangkapan Udang Indonesia (HPPI) Telp. (021) 72780627
Fax. (021) 72780552
Asoasiasi Pengusaha Coldstorage Indonesia (APCI) Telp.(021) 6620972, 6695222
Fax. (021) 6691329
Induk Koperasi Perikanan Indonesia (IKPI) Jl. Ir. Juanda No. 2 Jakarta 10120
Telp. (021) 3451118, 3440741
Fax. (021) 3806177
Asosiasi Pengusaha Pengelola Hasil Perikanan Indonesia (APEHAPI) Jl. Angkasa No. 18/G-H
Kemayoran, Jakarta
Telp. (021) 4203327
Fax. (021) 4248432
Asosiasi Koral kerang dan Ikan Hias Indonesia (AKKI) Djajanti Plaza Lt. 5
Jl. Fachrudin No. 19 Jakarta Pusat
Telp. (021) 3907001 Ekt. 521
Fax. (021) 3907008
Jl. Boulevard Raya Blok RA 19/15 Kelapa Gading
Jakarta 14250
Telp. (021) 4548970
Fax. (021) 4586114
Asosiasi Pengusaha Rumput Laut (ARLI) Gedung II BPPT Lt. 15
Jl. MH. Thamrin No. 8 Jakarta Pusat
Telp. (021) 3169537
Asosiasi Budidaya Mutiara Indonesia (ASBUMI) Jl. Duren Tiga No. 35, Mampang Prapatan, Jakarta Selatan
Telp. (021) 7992680
Asosiasi Pengusaha Pakan Udang Indonesia (APPUI) Jl. Ancol Barat Blok A5/E10, Jakarta Utara
Telp. (021) 6930567, 6930568
Asosiasi Pengusaha Pembenihan Udang (APPU) Jl. Kranggan No. 103, Surabaya, Jawa Timur
Telp. (031) 5316979
Fax. (031) 572265
Asosiasi Pengusaha Ikan Sidat Indonesia (APISI) Jl. Kebahagiaan No. 77, Krukut, Jakarta Barat
Telp. (021) 6336354
Fax. (021) 6336838
Himpunan Ikan Hias Indonesia (PIHI) Jl. Harsono RM No. 10, Ragunan, Pasar Minggu
Jakarta Selatan
Telp.(021) 7800636
Fax.(021) 7800636
23. Perhimpunan Penyuluh Pertanian Indonesia (PERHIPTANI) Kantor Ditjen BPPHP Kampus Departemen Pertanian Gd. D Lt.3
Jl. Harsono RM 3 Jakarta Selatan
Telp. (021) 7827275
24. Masyarakat Akuakultur Indonesia (MAI) Jl. Ragunan No. 20 Pasar Minggu
Jakarta Selatan, Jakarta 12540
Telp.(021) 7805052
Fax. (021) 7815101
Masyarakat Sains Kelautan dan Perikanan Indonesia (MSKPI) Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan Institut Pertanian Bogor
Jl. Agatis Kampus IPB Dramaga – Bogor
Jawa Barat 16680
Telp. (0251) 622907
Fax. (0251) 622907
Forum Pimpinan Pendidikan Tinggi Perikanan dan Kelautan Seluruh Indonesia (FP2TPK) Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan Institut Pertanian Bogor
Jl. Agastis Kampus IPB Dramaga – Bogor
Jawa Barat 16680
Telp. (0251) 622907
Fax. (0251) 622907
Komisi Tuna Indonesia (KTI) Jl. Palapa XVIII No. 12 RT.12/RW 05 Pasar Minggu, Jakarta
Telp. (021) 7804255
Fax. (021) 7883808
Shrimp Clup Indonesia (SCI) Jl. WR. Supratman No. 53
Bandar Lampung
Telp. (0721) 483106
Fax. (0721) 483106
Jl. Tandes Raya No. 26 Surabaya
Jawa Timur
Telp. (031) 60110972
Fax. (031) 8928474
Komisi Udang Indonesia (KUI)
Departemen Kelautan dan Perikanan (DKP)
Lt. 10, Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No. 16 Jakarta Pusat, Jakarta
Telp. (021) 3506163
Fax, (021) 3520844
Asosiasi Budidaya Ikan Laut Indonesia (ABILINDO) Jl. Bukit Indah Sukajadi Raya III
Telp. (0778) 456457
Fax. (0778) 456735
DPP Persatuan Pelayaran Niaga Indonesia (DPP INSA) Jl. Tanah Abang III Jakarta Pusat
Telp. (021) 3447149, 3850993
Fax. (021) 3849522
DPP Pelayaran Rakyat (DPP PELRA) Jl. Pinisi No. 6 Pelabuhan Sunda Kelapa Jakarta
Telp. (021) 6922144
DPP Asosiasi Perusahaan Bongkar Muat Indonesia (DPP APBMI) Jl. Swasembada Timur XI No. 9 Jakarta Utara
Telp. (021) 4356929
Fax. (021) 4356930
Ikatan Perusahaan Industri Kapal dan Sarana Lepas Pantai Indonesia (IPERINDO) Jl. Kriya Agung No. 77 Jakarta14350
Telp. (021) 6411513
Fax. (021) 6404253
Gabungan Pengusaha Angkutan Sungai – Danau dan Penyeberangan (GAPASDAP) Jl. Wolter Mongonsidi No. 91 Kebayoran Baru,
Jakarta Selatan
Telp. (021) 7398109, 7245906
Fax. (021) 7398109
Angkutan Sungai – Danau dan Penyebrangan ASDP (BUMN) Jl. Jend. A. Yani Kav. 52 A Jakarta
Telp. (021) 4208911
Fax. (021) 4210544
Kesatuan Pelaut Indonesia (KPI) Jl. Cikini Raya No. 49 Jakarta Pusat
Telp. (021) 3141495
Fax. (021) 3141491
Himpunan Ahli Teknologi Maritim (HATMI) Jl. MH. Thamrin No. 8 Jakarta Pusat
Telp. (021) 3156860 Ext. 138
Fax. (021) 3169729
Forum Masyarakat Maritim Indonesia (FMMI) Jl. Pacuan Kuda – Pulo Mas No. 1 – 5 Jakarta
Telp. (021) 4714941 Ex. 16 – 40
Fax. (021 4718050, 4718051
Lembaga Bina Hukum Laut Indonesia (LBHLI) Jl. Yusuf Adiwinata No. 33 Jakarta
Telp. (021) 3905755
Fax. (021) 3905772
Konsorsium Perusahaan Pengawakan Kapal (CIMA) Jl. MT. Haryono No. 2 Jakarta Selatan 12810
Telp. (021) 8290308, 8301606
Fax. (021) 8301723
Perum Prasarana Perikanan Samudera Jl. Muara Ujung, Jakarta Utara
Telp. (021) 6694822 Ext. 204
PT. Usaha Mina Jl. Pulomas Utara Raya No. 68 (C I/5) Jakarta Timur
Telp. (021) 4710626, 4710628
PT. Perikani Wisma Bakti Mulia Lt. 6
Jl. Kramat Raya No. 160 Jakarta 10430
Telp. (021) 3160014
PT. Perikanan Samudera Besar Jl. Utan Kayu Raya No. 82 Utan Kayu Utara,
Jakarta Timur 13120
Telp. (021) 8520484
PT. Tirta Raya Mina Jl. Muara Baru, Jakarta Utara
Telp. (021) 6613588, 6692417
Lembaga Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Adat (LPMA) Jl. Cendana I No. 34/36, RT. 16, Kayu Tangi, Banjarmasin, Kalimantan Timur 70123
Telp. (0511) 50392, 262355
Fax. (0511) 262355, e-mail Ipma@banjarmasin.wasantara,
Pusat Studi Wawasan Nusantara, Hukum dan Pembangunan (PSWN) Jl. Cilaki No. 15, Bandung 40114
Telp. (022) 702865
Fax. (022) 702865
Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Arthaloka Bildg, 11th Floor
Jl. Jend. Sudirman No. 2 Jakarta Pusat
Telp. (021) 2511549, 2511540 ext. 254
Fax. (021) 2512526
Conservation International – Indonesia Programme Jl. Taman Margasatwa No. 16 Pasar Minggu,
Jakarta 12540
Telp. (021) 78838624, 78838626
Fax. (021) 7800265, e-mail;
American Chamber of Commerce (Amcham) – Environment Committee World Trade Centre, 11 th Floor
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 29-31, Jakarta 12840
Telp. (021) 5262860
Fax. (021) 5262861
ASEAN Fisheries Federation The ASEAN Secretariate 3 rd Floor
Jl. Sisingamangaraja No. 70A, Kebayoran Baru,
Jakarta Selatan 12110
Telp. (021) 726410 ext. 280, 7237177
Fax. (021) 7257916
Bita Bina Semesta, P.T Setiabudi Building I, Lt. 3, Suite C1-C3
Jl. H.R, Rasuna Said Kav. 62, Jakarta 12920
Telp. (021) 5202358
Fax. (021) 5202359
COREMAP PTA/AMSAT-ECOLINK UTAMA Jl. Gelong Baru Barat VI No. 6, Tomang, Jakarta 11440
Telp. (021) 5683864
Fax. (021) 5683864;
Environmental and Safety Dept., General Affairs Directorate, Pertamina Pertamina Directorate of General Affairs, Granadi Bldg, Lt. 9
Jl. Rasuna Said Kav. 8-9, Jakarta 12950
Telp. (021) 2522745 Ext. 1240


Asosisasi Akasia Indo Raya, PT
Alamat Jl. Bekasi Timur IV No. 30 Cipinang Besar Utara, Jakarta
Telepon (021) 85900959
Fax / e-mail (021) 859009,
Asosisasi Aquatic Indonesia, PT
Alamat Jl. Cidangiang No. 4 Bogor, Jawa Barat
Telepon (0251) 381737
Fax / e-mail (0251) 38173,
Asosisasi Arya Indomonodon, PT
Alamat Jl. Pintu Air Raya No. 48 Jakarta Pusat
Telepon (021) 3812463 – 34831644
Fax / e-mail (021) 345151,
Asosisasi Batara Surya Pratama Perkasa,
Alamat Jl. Krekot Jaya Blok A.D No. 16 Jakarta
Telepon (021) 3456254
Fax / e-mail (021) 380959,
Asosisasi Cargill Indonesia, PT
Alamat Jl. Raya Telajung Udik Gunung Putri, Bogor Indonesia PO. BOX 4345. Jakarta 10001
Telepon 8670565, 8672263
Fax / e-mail 8672533,
Asosisasi Central Pertiwi Bahari, PT
Alamat Jl. Ancol Barat Blok A 5 E No. 10 Jakarta Utara
Telepon (021) 693567
Fax / e-mail (021) 693056,
Asosisasi Cipta Niaga, PT
Alamat Jl. Rajawali No. 54 Surabaya, Jawa Timur
Telepon (031) 3522475 – 3521899 –
Fax / e-mail (031) 352023,
Asosisasi Citra Agung Sentosa, PT
Alamat Jl. Sunter Paradise VI/28 Sunter Agung, Jakarta Utara
Telepon (021) 6530098
Fax / e-mail (021) 653009,
Asosisasi Global Medicatama, PT
Alamat Jl. Teluk Betung No. 38 Jakarta Barat
Telepon (021) 2302264
Fax / e-mail (021) 230226,
Asosisasi Golden Westindo Arta Jaya, PT
Alamat Gd. Prisma Kedoya Plaza Blok D No. 27 Jl. Raya Pejuangan Kebun Jeruk, Jakarta
Telepon (021) 5357888 – 5310214 –
Fax / e-mail (021) 531023,
Asosisasi Indovetraco Makmur Abadi, PT
Alamat Jl. Ancol Barat Blok A.5E No. 10 Jakarta 14430
Telepon (021) 6909958 – 6909964
Fax / e-mail (021) 691023,
Asosisasi Inve Indonesia, PT
Alamat Cilandak Commercial Eastate, Building 204 E Jl. Cilandak KKO Jakarta 12460
Telepon (021) 7890538 – 7890539
Fax / e-mail (021) 789038,
Asosisasi Karmindo Meganusa Utama, PT
Alamat Jl. Pangeran Jayakarta 24/17, Floor III Jakarta Pusat
Telepon (021) 6495563 – 6491112 –
Fax / e-mail (021) 649542,
Asosisasi Radjawali, CV
Alamat Jl. Raya Mangga Dua No. 8 (17) Jakarta, 11110
Telepon (021) 6011222 – 6000302
Fax / e-mail (021) 600030,
Asosisasi Romindo Indovetracom
Alamat Jl. Dr. Saharjo 266 Jakarta, 12870
Telepon (021) 8300, 8280484
Fax / e-mail (021) 828067, –
Asosisasi Pangan Lestari, PT
Alamat Jl. Jenggolo II/17 Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur
Telepon (031) 8963032 – 8963033 –
Fax / e-mail (031) 896205,


Perusahaan PT Indovetraco Makmur Abadi
Alamat Maspion Plaza Jl Gunung Sahari Raya Kav 20-27 Jakarta
Telepon 021-64701200
Fax / e-mail 021-64700967,
Bidang Usaha Importir Pakan Benih
Perusahaan PT Karmindomega Nusautama
Alamat Jl. Kelapa Hybrida Raya Blok QG 10/25 Kelapa Gading
Telepon 021-45847665
Fax / e-mail ,
Bidang Usaha Importir Pakan Ikan Hias
Perusahaan PT Arya Indomonodon
Alamat Jl. Pintu Air Raya No 48 Jakarta
Telepon 021-3812463
Fax / e-mail ,
Bidang Usaha Importir Pakan Benih dan Artemia
Perusahaan CV Radjawali Sakti
Alamat Jl. Mangga Dua Raya No 8 Jakarta Utara
Telepon 021-6011222
Fax / e-mail ,
Bidang Usaha Importir Pakan Benih dan Artemia
Perusahaan PT Romindo Primavetcom
Alamat Jl. Dr. Saharjo Ni. 266 Tebet Jakarta Selatan
Telepon 021-8300303
Fax / e-mail ,
Bidang Usaha Importir Pakan Benih
Perusahaan PT Golden Westindo Artajaya
Alamat Prisma Kedoya Plaza Blok D No.27 Jl. Raya perjuangan Kebon Jeruk
Telepon 021- 5357888
Fax / e-mail ,
Bidang Usaha Importir Pakan Benih
Perusahaan PT Surya Hidup Satwa
Alamat Jl Ancol Barat A5E No.10 Jakarta Utara
Telepon 021-6909958
Fax / e-mail ,
Bidang Usaha Importir Pakan Benih
Perusahaan PT Centralpertiwi Bahari
Alamat Jl. Ancol Barat A5E No. 10 Jakarta Utara
Telepon 021-6930567
Fax / e-mail 021-6930568,
Bidang Usaha Importir Pakan Benih
Perusahaan PT Tequisa Indonesia
Alamat Taman SemananIndah Blok D3 No 9 Cengkareng Jakarta Barat
Telepon 021-55957460
Fax / e-mail 021-54397944,
Bidang Usaha Importir Pakan benih
Perusahaan PT Karaeng Jaya Abadi
Alamat Jl. Panaitan I No 109 Tanjung Priok Jakarta Utara
Telepon 021-43900342
Fax / e-mail 021-43900652,
Bidang Usaha Importir Pakan Benih
Perusahaan PT Citra Mandiri Kencana
Alamat Jl. Tanah Abang II/93 Jakarta Pusat
Telepon 021-3801490
Fax / e-mail ,
Bidang Usaha Importir pakan Ikan Hias
Perusahaan PT Catur Caraka Sempurna
Alamat Jl. Surya Utama Blok V No. 25 Sunrise Garden, Kedoya Utara Jakarta Barat
Telepon 021-5807427
Fax / e-mail 021-5807691,
Bidang Usaha Importir Pakan Ikan Hias
Perusahaan PT Porexina Dasa Utama
Alamat Jl. Hayam Wuruk No. 2 T Jakarta Pusat
Telepon 021-3812788
Fax / e-mail 021-3456279,
Bidang Usaha Importir Pakan Ikan Hias
Perusahaan PT Cargill Indonesia
Alamat Jl Raya telajung Udik Gunung Putri Citereup Bogor
Telepon 021-8672263
Fax / e-mail 021-8672533,
Bidang Usaha Importir Pakan benih
Perusahaan CV Palm Trikarya
Alamat Jl. Kopo No 101 Bojongloa Kidul bandung
Telepon 022-5201381
Fax / e-mail ,
Bidang Usaha Importir pakan Ikan Hias
Perusahaan PT Central Invendomas
Alamat JL. Indragiri No. 28 Surabaya
Telepon 031-5623661
Fax / e-mail ,
Bidang Usaha Importir Pakan benih
Perusahaan PT Pangan Lestari
Alamat Jl. Jenggolo II No 17 Sidoarjo
Telepon 031-8963032
Fax / e-mail 031-5672318,
Bidang Usaha Importir Pakan Benih
Perusahaan PT Fega Aquafarmindo
Alamat Jl. Industri Raya II Blok J No. 5 Tangerang
Propinsi BANTEN
Telepon 021-5901916
Fax / e-mail 021-5901916,
Bidang Usaha Importir Pakan Benih


Perusahaan PT. Charoen Phokphand Indonesi
Alamat Jl. Raya Medan Tj. Morawa Km. 8,5 PO BOX 1305, Medan 20148
Telepon (061)7867678
Fax / e-mail (061)7867519, –
Bidang Usaha Produsen Pakan Ikan/Udang
Perusahaan PT. Grobest Indomakmur
Alamat Jl. Galeri Niaga Mediaterania Blok D 8 G Lt.2 PIK Jakata Utara 14460
Telepon (021) 5882250
Fax / e-mail (021) 588224, –
Bidang Usaha Produsen Pakan Ikan/Udang
Perusahaan PT. Fega Pakan Sejati
Alamat Jl. Kebon Kacang Raya No. 1 Jakarta 10240
Telepon (021) 3141208; 335677; 33
Fax / e-mail (021) 337957, –
Bidang Usaha Produsen Pakan Ikan/Udang
Perusahaan PT. Central Pertiwi Bahari
Alamat SHS Building Lt. 2 Jl. Ancol Barat Blok A 5 E No. 10
Telepon (021) 6930567
Fax / e-mail (021) 693056, –
Bidang Usaha Produsen Pakan Ikan/Udang
Perusahaan PT. Matahari Sakti
Alamat Jl. Agung Utara Raya Blok M No. 58 Jakarta Utara
Telepon (021) 8670447; 8671601;86
Fax / e-mail (021) 867044, –
Bidang Usaha Produsen Pakan Ikan/Udang
Perusahaan PT. MItra Manggalindo
Alamat Jl. Cengkeh No. 8 – 10 Jakarta KOta 11110
Telepon (021) 6901577
Fax / e-mail (021) 690158, –
Bidang Usaha Produsen Pakan Ikan/Udang
Perusahaan PT. Sinta Prima FeedMill
Alamat Jl. Soleman No. 27 A Slipi Jakarta Barat
Telepon (021) 5331347
Fax / e-mail (021) 549331, –
Bidang Usaha Produsen Pakan Ikan/Udang
Perusahaan PT. Suri Tani Pemuka
Alamat Grha Praba Samanta Jl. Daan Mogot Km. 12 No. 9 Jakarta 11730
Telepon (021) 5448630
Fax / e-mail (021) 544774, –
Bidang Usaha Produsen Pakan Ikan/Udang
Perusahaan PT. Wonokoyo Jayakusuma
Alamat Plaza Ciputat Mas Blok A Kav. E & F Jl. H. Juanda No. 5A Jaksel
Telepon (021) 7432255
Fax / e-mail (021) 743211, –
Bidang Usaha Produsen Pakan Ikan/Udang
Perusahaan PT. Luxindo Internusa
Alamat Jl. Raya Narogong Km. 14 Desa Ciwikul Bantar GeBang Bekasi 17310
Telepon (021) 8250277; 8250278
Fax / e-mail (021) 825028, –
Bidang Usaha Produsen Pakan Ikan/Udang
Perusahaan PT. Gold Coin Indonesia
Alamat Jl. Raya Bekasi Km. 28 Desa Medan Satria, Bekasi 17132 PO BOX 139
Telepon (021) 8853668
Fax / e-mail (021) 884194, –
Bidang Usaha Produsen Pakan Ikan/Udang
Perusahaan PT. Cargill Indonesia
Alamat Jl. Raya jakarta Serang Km. 68 Kawasan Industri Modern, Cikande, Serang
Propinsi BANTEN
Telepon (0254) 400417; 404038
Fax / e-mail (0254) 40060, –
Bidang Usaha Produsen Pakan Ikan/Udang


Country Business Name Specialty Web Email
Argentina Acuario Plecos Plecos, cichlids & killies Web Email
Australia Aquariums Alive Tropical fish, gold fish, rare catfish, discus, tank maintenance and rental tanks for businesses Web Email
Australia Cairns Marine Marine fish, coral and elasmobranchs, specialise in public aquarium animals Web Email
Australia Exotic Tropical Fish Tropical fish, goldfish, cichlids Web
Australia Oceanpets Marine fish, tank raised and wild caught exporter Web Email
Austria Aqualine-Terraline Import, export, selling of rare fish Web Email
Austria Diskuszucht Wedlich Discus breeder Web Email
Austria Tropical Aquaworld Import, export of rare fish, Kordon and a.b.a. Web Email
Bahrain Al Forath Aquarium Import and export Web Email
Barbados Exotic Tropicals Aquaculture Freshwater & Marine Fish, Plants, Invertebrates, Reptiles & Amphibians. Web Email
Bolivia IUPA SRL exportacion peces nativos de Bolivia Web Email
Bolivia Rare Fish Switzerland Import and export of wild caught ornamental fish – Transshipping specialist – World wide shipping Web Email
Brazil Cia do Aquário Saltwater and freshwater fishes Web Email
Brazil Dagua Aquarios Salt water and fresh water fish Web Email
Brazil Mar*a*Mar Marine /Fresh /Live Rock Web Email
Brazil Projeto Águas Marinhas Marine ornamental fish, amazon fish, plecos,discus, motoro rays, piranha and corydoras Web Email
Brazil Santarem Discus Lda Wild discus, plecos, rays, corys, all wild fish from Amazon, expeditions Web Email
Bulgaria Koral K&K Importer of Tropical fish, Plants, Marine fish, coral, Invertebrates, live rocks Web Email
Cameroon Gulf Aquatics Cameroon West African Web Email
Cameroon Sud Aquatic Plants Exporter of live tropical aquatic plants and fresh water aquarium fish Web Email
Canada April’s Aquarium Discus , small troupicals Web Email
Canada Aquaexoctictrading Arowanas, flower horn, bettas Web Email
Canada Aqua-Life International Freshwater Imports Web Email
Canada AroVillage Arowanas Canada Asian Arowanas Web Email
Canada Arowana Canada Import / wholesale / retail ornament fishes and fish foods Web Email
Canada BC Betta Betta Web Email
Canada Canadian Aquatics Plecos, rays, cichlids, shrimps Web Email
Canada Doug’s Delta Guppies Breeder of Show Guppies Web Email
Canada Dragonfish Canada Asian Arowana Importer Web Email
Canada Ly Lim’s Discus Web Email
Canada Québec Cichlidés Web Email
Canada RiftZoneAquatics African cichlids Web Email
Canada Shine Aquatics Wholesale Premium Arowana Canada Web Email
Canada T.F.S. Plecos, rays, asian and african wild caught species Web Email
Canada The AFISHionados Cichlids, plecos Web Email
Canada The Fish Sempai Importer and Breeder Web Email
China Aquaria Home Goldfish Web Email
China Beijing New Rainbow Feed Freeze dried and compound fish food Web Email
China Chinese-sunfish Discus Web Email
China FuXiang Aquarium Tropical fish, goldfish, koi Web Email
China Hangzhou Elite Aquarium Co. Breeder and export of quality Chinese fancy goldfish Web Email
China Luos Goldfish Farm Goldfish Web Email
China Oujing Aquafish Breeding Farm Goldfish, tropical fish, discus Web Email
China Suzhou Hitarget Goldfish Web Email
China United Ocean Aquarium Import & Export Co. Gold fish & Koi fish Web Email
China Yuen Fat Fisheries goldfish, tropical fish, bee shrimp, hillstream loach, butterfly pleco, chinese fire newt Web Email
China YuHai Pte Co. Goldfish Professional Web Email
Colombia Acuarios Amazonas De Colombia Exporter of freshwater tropical fish Web Email
Colombia Acuatics Ltda Exporters of tropical fish Web Email
Colombia Amazon Quality Fish Plecos Arowanas and special fish from Colombia, Peru and Brazil Web Email
Colombia Amazonian Fish Export fish wholesales: plecos, stingrays, cichlids Web Email
Colombia Aquamark Tropical Fish Exporter of freshwater tropical fish from Colombia Web Email
Colombia Arawana World Tropical Fish Ltda Exporter tropical fish Web Email
Colombia Best Amazon Export Fish C.I. Ltda Ornamental fish, catfish, Stingrays, Cichlids Web Email
Colombia C.I Fishcol Aquarium Co. Ornamental freshwater tropical fish Web Email
Colombia C.I. Stingray Aquarium Colombia Ltd Stingrays, L-number, Altums from Colombian, Rio Negro, Orinoco Putumayo and Amazonas Web Email
Colombia Caribbean Exotic Fishes Fresh water fishes Web Email
Colombia Fantasias Marinas Exporter tropical fish Web Email
Colombia GB Aquarium Fresh water fish exporter Web Email
Colombia JCF Caribe Fish Export tropical fish Web Email
Colombia Ocroma Tropical Fish Exporter Web Email
Colombia Pezcolombia Ltda Exporter tropical fish Web Email
Colombia Rainforest Aquarium Tropical fish exports Web Email
Colombia Tropical Fish Quality Off Colombia Worldwide exporter of tropical fish Web Email
Congo Phenaco Congo Poissons Tropicaux Web Email
Czech Rep Aquarium Macenauer Wholesaler of Czech tank-raised species Web Email
Czech Rep Happy Fish Exporters of tropical fish, breeding Web Email
Czech Rep Kolaja Vladislav Zverima Importer and wholesaler and breeder in tropical fish Web Email
Czech Rep Milan Ullman Tropical freshwater fish Web Email
Czech Rep Petra-Aqua Tropical fish wholesale, aquatic plants, koi, cold water fish Web Email
Czech Rep Tanganika and Malawi aquarium CZ Tanganika and Malawi – export, import, wholesale Web Email
Czech Rep Tropic Centrum Export of tank-raised tropical fish Web Email
Fiji Waterlife Exporters (Fiji) Ltd Tropical fish, coral, live rock Web Email
France Aquamadern Aquatic plants : Pogostemon, Hemianthus , Staurogine, Aponogeton, Anubias, Crypto. aponogetifolia Web Email
France Starlight-Aqua- France Import tropical fish, discus.marine fish. Web Email
Germany Airfish-Cichlids Lake Tanganyika wild and tank raised cichlids Web Email
Germany Amazon Aquatics South-american species, especially all variants of plecos Web Email
Germany Amazon Exotic Import South American and West African rare fish import & export Web Email
Germany Amazon-Fisch All fishes and rarity from South America Web Email
Germany Garnelen and More Shrimps, crabs and much more. Red Bees, Black Bees, Yellow fire, Red fire Web Email
Germany Meeresaquaristik München Marine Fish and Corals Web Email
Germany Mimbon Aquarium Wholesale Web Email
Germany Tropical Live Import Marine life import and export Web Email
Ghana Eastern Atlantic Marine & Aquatic Resources Ltd Ornamental fish export;marine/freshwater Web Email
Guinea Aquarium System Ltd Exporters of tropical fish Web Email
Hong Kong Yat Cheung Discus Discus Wholesale only Web Email
India Aqualine Exports Exporters of all types of fresh water aquarium fishes and live plants Web Email
India Asian Exports Wild tropical fish & Invertebrates Web Email
India Crystal Aquarist Koi, gold and tropical fishes Web Email
India Fancy Aquarium Exports wild caught fish, freshwater fish, wild tropical fish, invertebrates Web Email
India Mad Over Fish Cichlids & marine Web Email
India Modern Pet Centre OFI member, breeder & exporter of goldfish, koi, freshwater & wild tropical fish, invertebrates Web Email
Indonesia AirFish Indonesia suspended due to complaints Email
Indonesia AK Enterprise Live tropical fish, frozen blood worm, frozen daphnia, frozen neckle worm exporter Web Email
Indonesia Aquatic Indonesia Freshwater Fish, Marine Fish, Coral, Invertebrates, Zeolit, Fish Meal Web Email
Indonesia Aristocratama Invertebrates Explorer and Exporter Web Email
Indonesia Bali Exotic Fish Exporter marine fish,coral and inverts Web Email
Indonesia Bali Fish Park Marine fish and invertebrares Web Email
Indonesia Bali Marine World Ornamental Marine Fishes, Invertebrates and Corals Web Email
Indonesia Bali Sea Parade Exporter marine fishes, corals, inverts Web Email
Indonesia Bali Seaworld Exporter marine fish and coral specialist Web Email
Indonesia Bekael Eska Gemilang Exporter Ornamental fishes and corals invertebrates Web Email
Indonesia Borneo Fish Farm Live tropical fish export Web Email
Indonesia C.V. Colisa Aquaria Tropical freshwater fish exporters Web Email
Indonesia CV Tropical Aquatic Live tropical fish & aquatic plant Web Email
Indonesia CV. Aqua First Bali Marine fish, ivertebrates, coral Web Email
Indonesia CV. Garfishindo Tropical exporter of tropical freshwater and brackish fish Web Email
Indonesia CV. Maju Aquarium Tropical Fish, Beetles, Water Plants, Blood Worm Web Email
Indonesia CV. Prime Discus Discus Web Email
Indonesia CV. Tropical Aquarium Freshwater, aquatic plants, marine fish and corals Web Email
Indonesia CV. Tropis Fish Aquarium Indonesia live tropical fish exporter Web Email
Indonesia CV. Vivaria Marine Exporter of marine coral, fish and invertebrates Web Email
Indonesia Discus Maniac Discus fish Web Email
Indonesia Fantasy Aquatic Import-export tropical fishes Web Email
Indonesia Far East Plant Aquarium plants Web Email
Indonesia Gold Seahorse Exotic tropical marine fish, invertebrate, coral exporter Web Email
Indonesia Golden Marine Life Marine fish & corals Web Email
Indonesia Harlequin Aquatics Tropical Fish Exporter and Importer Web Email
Indonesia Hifi Marindo Exporter, breeder & collector of live tropical fish Web Email
Indonesia Indo Aquatica suspended due to complaints Email
Indonesia Indo Marine Centre Live tropical marine fish, coral & invertebrates exporter Web Email
Indonesia Indo Tropika Agung Lestari Exporter of live tropical fish and aquatic plants. Web Email
Indonesia Indoexoticfish Tropical fish, invertebrates, coral, culture coral exporter Web Email
Indonesia Indopisces Exotica Live tropical freshwater & marine fish and corals Web Email
Indonesia Indo-Star Aquarium breeding farm of freshwater tropical fishes and also collector marine fishes Web Email
Indonesia Java Marindo Tropical marine fishes, invertebrates, corals, cultured corals & liverocks. CITES available. Web Email
Indonesia Jumbo Tropical Fish Export freshwater ornamental fish, Discus, Native Invertebrates (Shrimp, Clam, Snail, Crab) Web Email
Indonesia Katulistiwa Reef Export tropical marine fishes, invertebrates, corals, cultured corals & liverocks. CITES available. Web Email
Indonesia Leon betta Farm Betta and Guppy Web Email
Indonesia Leopard Aquatic Indonesian wild caught fish Web Email
Indonesia Live Tropical Fish Exporter of Ornamental Fishes, Corals & Aquatic Plants Web Email
Indonesia Marine Fish Export Tropical marine fish, invertebrates & corals exporter Web Email
Indonesia Marinelife Trading Marine life trading Web Email
Indonesia Marlin Aquarindo Export and Import Tropical fish and exotic animals Web Email
Indonesia PD. Natura Indonesia Export tropical fish Web Email
Indonesia Princes Aquarium Indonesian live tropical ornamental fish exporter, For rare special fish. Web Email
Indonesia PT Sumatera Budidaya Marine Web Email
Indonesia PT Tropikal Aqua World Export Marine Fish and coral Web Email
Indonesia PT. Banyu Biru Sentosa Live corals Web Email
Indonesia Pt. Diyo Enggal Makmur Exporter of exotic ornamental fish, culture coral, invertebrates and artificial liverRock Web Email
Indonesia PT. Intinental Pri Ornamental fish & Invert Web Email
Indonesia PT. Trisentosa Intrabuana Niaga CITES Hard coral, soft coral, inverts exporter Web Email
Indonesia PT.Gunawahana Ulam Tirta Exporter-Importer of live tropical fish and live caught specialist Web Email
Indonesia PT.Samaru Bali Export fresh tropical fish Web Email
Indonesia Pura Baruna Lestari Coral and Giant Clam Web Email
Indonesia Putra Pelangi Samudra Corals & Marine Fish Web Email
Indonesia Sea World Centre Marine fish, invertebrates, anemones Web Email
Indonesia Seamate Trading Tropical fish Web Email
Indonesia Segitiga Bali Exporter of ornamental marine fish Web Email
Indonesia Sumber Samudra Jaya Export live fish marine from Bali. Web Email
Indonesia Surya Marine Center Marine fish, inverts & corals Web Email
Indonesia Tropical Aqua Zone Marine fish, corals & inverts Web Email
Indonesia TropicIndo Tropical Freshwater Fish, Turtle & Tortoise Web Email
Indonesia World Exotic Indonesia Export & import exotic fishes Web Email
Ireland AquaCheif Marines Marine fish, corals, liverock, inverts Web Email
Ireland Aquatic Importers of Ireland Tropical and coldwater importers Web Email
Ireland Aquatic Village Importers of marines, inverts,tropical fish, Koi, Goldfish Web Email
Ireland Lakeland Fishery Importer / Exporter / Fish Farm Web Email
Israel Hazorea Aquatics Biosecure Koi, Golfish and waterlilies Web Email
Israel Tropical Fish Ltd tropical fishes Web Email
Italy Acquarama italia srl Importer wholesale live tropical fish,live rocks,corals, invrtebrates Web Email
Italy Aquarium-ambience Discus import high quality Asian Web Email
Italy Iquitos Import fish Web Email
Italy Kuda Tropical Fish Srl Freshwater fish, marine fish, plants, soft corals, hard corals Web Email
Italy La Casetta in Canadà sas Importer tropical fish, corals and plants Web Email
Italy Natura Sommersa Import – export tropical fish Web Email
Italy Panaque srl. Ornametal fish breeder and importer Web Email
Italy T.A.F. Trans Aquarium Fish srl import/export of live tropical fish Web Email
Italy Tropical Fish Discus, marine fish, corals Web Email
Italy Tropical Life wholesale Web Email
Italy Zanolli Mario Ornamental Web Email
Japan AI-net Import wholesale Marine fish Web Email
Japan Daiichi Vision Co.Ltd. Marine fish & coral Web Email
Japan Daiwa Project Co.Ltd. Import / Export Marine / Fresh tropical fish Web Email
Japan Kamihata.Co.Jp in Japanese only Web
Japan Riki Japan Leading importer in Japan Web Email
Kenya African Tropical Fish International Export of tropical marine fish and inverts from Kenya Web Email
Kenya Aqua Culture Kenya Ltd Live tropical freshwater and marine fish Web Email
Kenya Ndune (K) Ltd Export of tropical marine fish, inverterbrates, live rock Web Email
Latvia Alisma Ltd Freshwater fish export/import Europe Web Email
Liberia Kumex Aquarium Farm Exporter of aquatic plants Web Email
Malaysia Akuarium Kapar Indah Import/Export Marine Fish & Tropical Life Fish Web Email
Malaysia Aqua Synergy Discus Farm Sdn Bhd Discus Web Email
Malaysia Aquainvent Discus Discus Web Email
Malaysia Aquarium Express Web Email
Malaysia Ornamental fish supplier Web Email
Malaysia Aquasia (M) Sdn Bhd Exporting cold water and tropical fishes – koi, goldfish, discus, angel, viviparous Web Email
Malaysia Aquatics International Sdn Bhd Exporter of tropical fish, koi, aquatic plants, marine fish, live rock, tridacna, seahorses & corals Web Email
Malaysia Banli Fishfarm Sdn. Bhd Tropical fish exporter, fish food, accessories Web Email
Malaysia BB Aquatics Sdn Bhd Exporter and importer of freshwater tropical fish and aquarium plants Web Email
Malaysia Beau-Fish Worldwide Sdn. Bhd Export tropical fish and aquarium plants Web Email
Malaysia Borneo Aqualink (M) Sdn Bhd Exporter of corals and marine fish Web Email
Malaysia Chai Seng Aquarium Sdn Bhd Tropical fish, aquatiuc plants, driftwood , stone, fish food , aquarium tank Web Email
Malaysia Cichlids Centre International Sdn Bhd Cichlids Web Email
Malaysia Clearwater Aquatics Collector & Breeder Of Wild Betta Web Email
Malaysia Discus Sanctuary Discus Web Email
Malaysia Fishlink Worldwide Sdn.Bhd Import and export of ornamental fish Web Email
Malaysia Flower Horn Web Email
Malaysia IDF Discus Farm Discus Fish Web Email
Malaysia Integrated Aquatics Sdn Bhd Discus Web Email
Malaysia Kai Aik Marine Products Trading Co. Discus, Flower Horn, Bettas, Plakat Fighter, Live Food Web Email
Malaysia Na Discus Discus Web Email
Malaysia Oriental Coast Sdn Bhd Asian Arowana Web Email
Malaysia Original Flower Horn Sdn Bhd Flower Horn Web Email
Malaysia Penang Sea Garden Aquatics Tropical fish Web Email
Malaysia PH Fish Farm Discus breeder Web Email
Malaysia PHS Aquatic Enterprise Koi, goldfish, discus Web Email
Malaysia Qian Hu Fish Farm Trading Ornamental Fish Exporter Web Email
Malaysia San Sui (Trading) Tropical Fish Web Email
Malaysia Seed Discus Hatchery Discus Web Email
Malaysia Sianlon Aquatic SDN BHD Import, export and breeder of Asian Arowana Web Email
Malaysia THL Aquatics Exporter of discus, goldfish, guppies, arowana and other tropicals Web Email
Malaysia Unoaquatic Japanese Koi, Asian Arowana, Discus and more Web Email
Malaysia World Star Aquatic Int Sdn Bhd Discus breeder & exporter Web Email
Malaysia Yeak Wah Aquarium Tropical fish and plants Web Email
Maldives Aqualife Investment Pvt, Ltd. Ornamental Fish Web Email
Maldives Fish Packer Exporter of marine live fish, invertebrates, corals Web Email
Maldives Qian Maldives Pvt Ltd Export marine fish Web Email
Maldives Tropic Marine Tropical marine fish Web Email
Mauritius Ornamental Marine World Ltd Exporter of live tropical marine fish for saltwater aquarium Web Email
Mauritius Vaqua Ventures Ltd Import / export of live tropical and saltwater fish Web Email
Mèxico Acuario Echegaray Tropical and marine fish distributor Web Email
Mèxico Comercializadora Hobby Pet Peces Tropicales Web Email
Mèxico Miraflores Aqua Native fish reproduction, import and export of freshwater and marine fish Web Email
Mèxico Mundo Peces Import/Export of freshwater fish. Specialize in goldfish Web Email
Mèxico Tienda de Mascotas y Acuario Marine fish, tropical fish and all kinds of animals Web Email
Netherlands Interfish Siervisgroothandel import and export of all kinds of rare fishes Web Email
Nigeria Aqua Pamper Exoctic Wild caught ornamental tropical fish, reptiles, amphibians, inverts, chelonia and other live animals Web Email
Nigeria Aquahaab Tropical Nig Ventures Tropical fish export Web Email
Nigeria Avis Aquarium Supply Ltd Exporter / Importer of live Tropical fish, amphibians, insects etc Web Email
Nigeria Friendship Aquatics and Company Tropical fish exporter Web Email
Nigeria Heritage Aquarium Export and importer of tropical fish Web Email
Nigeria Lawson Aquarium Supplu Ltd Exporter of live tropical fish,reptiles and plants Web Email
Nigeria Muyuth International Ltd Export Web Email
Nigeria Nobis and Prince Limited Export of fresh water tropical ornamental fish Web Email
Nigeria Shalom Fish and Plant Farms Freshwater tropical fish and aquatic plants Web Email
Norway Coreunica Import freshwater clam, bivalve, mollusk,shrimpcrab,rare sub species fish & invertebrates.wholesale Web Email
Perú Akara Aquarium Group Peru Tropical fish exporter Web Email
Perú Amazonia Aquarium suspended due to complaints Email
Perú Black Piranha Aquarium Export cichlids, stingrays, plecos, catfish and piranhas from the Grand Amazon River Web Email
Perú Fish Live Peru Aquarium Tropical fish live Web Email
Perú Jungle2u Tropical fish, Reptiles and Poison dart frogs Web Email
Perú KC Fish Aquariium Arowana and stingray whosale exporter Web Email
Perú Neotropical Fauna Rare Tropical Fish Export Web Email
Perú Ornamental Amazon Fish Aquarium Exporter of Amazon wild tropical fish, BID Star Quality Award 2003 Web Email
Perú Peruvian Amazon Exotic Exports S.A.C Wild Tropical Fish Web Email
Perú Stingray Aquarium OFI member, Colombian and Peruvian fish exporter, facilities in both countries Web Email
Philippines Aquascapes Philippines Marine tropical fish Web Email
Philippines Lambs Marketing importers/breeders/export of tropical fish and pet accesories Web Email
Philippines Marinaquaria Fish Trading import and export marine tropical fish Web Email
Philippines MRV Angel Tropical Fish Trading Exporter of live tropical fish and inverts Web Email
Philippines NTA Marine Products Exporter of ornamental marine fish Web Email
Philippines Progressfish Marine ornamentals Web Email
Philippines SR Flying Fish Marine tropical fish Web Email
Philippines V.N. Tropical Marine Products Marine fish Web Email
Philippines Victory Products Ornamental Marine fish exporter Web Email
Poland Akwa Marin Marine fish and corals Web Email
Poland Aquanurt Importer Of Fresh Water Tropical Fish & Marine Fish, Inverts, Corals & Pet Products Web Email
Portugal AquaPicanço Importer of freshwater & saltwater fishes, coral, aquatic plants Web Email
Portugal Gold Fish Imp. & Exp Freshwater, Goldfish, Cichlids Web Email
Puerto Rico Caribe Fisheries Inc tropical fish Web Email
Singapore Aqua Fauna Fish Industries Pte Ltd Live tropical ornamental fish, aquatic plants and marine fish and invertebrates Web Email
Singapore Aqua Nautic Specialist Import and export Web Email
Singapore Aquacultural F.A.M.E. (S) Pte Ltd Import and Export of Ornamental Coldwater/Tropical, Marine Fishes & Aquatic Plants Web Email
Singapore AquaMarin Aquatic Pets import/export marine live fishes and equipment Web Email
Singapore Dragon Fish Industry Asian Arowana breeding farm Web Email
Singapore Green Park Tropical Fish Farm Exporter of all types of freshwater fish Web Email
Singapore Hausmann Marketing Aquarium Koi Web Email
Singapore OTF Aquarium Breeder & export of DragonFish, Importer & exporter of ornamental fishes Web Email
Singapore Qian Hu Fish Farm Trading Export tropical/coldwater freshwater/marine fish, crustaceans, molluscs and aquatic plants Web Email
Singapore Sunbeam Aquarium Pte Ltd Freshwater, Marine Tropical Fish, Inverts, Soft Corals and Plants Web Email
Singapore Sunny Aquarium Company Export & import of tropical freshwater & marines fishes, soft corals and aquatic plants Web Email
Singapore Teo Way Yong & Sons Importers and Exporters of tropical & marine Web Email
Singapore Tropical Fish International Import & Export of tropical & marine Web Email
Singapore Tung-Hu Aquarium Trading Export/Import live tropical fish, breeding Arowana/Dragon Fish & Wholesale aquariums Web Email
Slovak Republic ELBI s.r.o Breeder and exporter of aquarium fish Web Email
South Africa Platinum Koi Koi breeders and exporters Web Email
South Korea Aqua Pro Import/export various tropical fish and plant and instrument Web Email
South Korea AQUA119 Korean Importer of Marine fishes and Coral Web Email
South Korea Beautifulfish Inc Live coral, marine fish Web Email
South Korea Discus Korea Importer and Exporter of Lake Takganyika fishes, South African fishes, Bred discus, Fish-foods Web Email
South Korea Dreeming Tree Import marine fish Web Email
South Korea Korea Reef Farm Import corals and marine fish Web Email
South Korea Rosen Aqua Import, export of rare fish breeder and tropical fish Web Email
South Korea SJAQUA Live coral, marine fish, marine merchandise Web Email
South Korea Tanganyika Importer of Lake Takganyika fishes, live coral, marine fish Web Email
South Korea Themarium Import, marine tropical fish, inverts, corals Web Email
Spain Peces Disco S.L. Symphysodon sp. L’ numbers, Pterophyllum altum… rare fishes. Web Email
Sri Lanka Angel Aquarium pvt(Ltd) Tropical fish exporter and breeder in Sri Lnaka. Web Email
Sri Lanka Aqua Associates Exporters of freshwater, marine & blackish water wild caught Web Email
Sri Lanka Aquamarines International Marine & freshwater fish, breeders of seahorses and marine fish Web Email
Sri Lanka Aquatic World (Pvt) Ltd Exporter, importer and farmer Web Email
Sri Lanka Green Valley Aquacultures (Pvt) Ltd. Exporter of freshwater and marine fish Web Email
Sri Lanka Greenleaf Aquatics Export Web Email
Sri Lanka Lumbini Aquaria Wayamba Ltd. Exporters Web Email
Sri Lanka Mermaid Aqua Resources Freshwater fish exporter Web Email
Sri Lanka Multi Fish Lanka (Pvt) Ltd Breeder and exporter of all kinds of tropical fish and plants (Mainly Guppies) Web Email
Sri Lanka Ominta Aquarium International Exporter of ornamental marine fish, freshwater fish and aquarium plants Web Email
Sri Lanka Samudra Aquarist Partners Exporters of live tropical marine fish & freshwater fish Web Email
Sri Lanka Shyaro Industries Export Web Email
Sri Lanka Silver Dollar Aquarium (Pvt) Ltd Importers & exporters of live tropical fish and aquatic plants Web Email
Sri Lanka Tropical Fish Centre (Pvt) Ltd Export tropical freshwater fish, marine fish and aquatic plants Web Email
Sri Lanka Tsuyoshi Trading Co (Pvt) Ltd. Live ornamental Fish Exporter Web Email
Switzerland Arapaima Tropical Fish Wild tropical fish importer Web Email
Switzerland Rare Fish Switzerland Import and export of wild caught ornamental fish – Transshipping specialist – World wide shipping Web Email
Taiwan C-Sky International Trade Co., Ltd. CRS, Crystal Bee Shrimp, freshwater tropical fish, crustaceans, other freshwater invertebrates Web Email
Taiwan EZMarines Taiwan Marine ornamental fish import & export Web Email
Taiwan Interocean Industries Co., Ltd. Web Email
Taiwan Jy Lin Trading Company Ltd Wholesale breeders and exporters of tropical fish, shrimp, turtles, Angels and more Web Email
Taiwan MarineFishTaiwan Inc Export Jumbo show size and Rare marine ornamental fish Web Email
Taiwan Taikong Corp. Exporter of freshwater, marine fish and plants Web Email
Taiwan Taiwan Cobia Inc Clownfish Web Email
Taiwan Taiwan Discus Farm Discus Web Email
Thailand Akara Aquarium Group Co.,Ltd. Flowerhorn, freshwater Stingrays, tropical fish breeder and exporter Web Email
Thailand B & B Aquarium Co., Ltd. Specialist in live tropical fish, marine fish, aquatic plants and indoor plants lab Web Email
Thailand Bangkok Aquarium The Alliance of Thai Ornamental fish farm and exporter Web Email
Thailand Chana Cross Breeds Fish Farm Stingrays and flowerhorn breeder and exporter Web Email
Thailand Choice Discus Discus Web Email
Thailand Flowerhornexporter Flowerhorn supplier Web Email
Thailand Gold Pisces Guppy, angel, goldfish, livebearer, ornamental fish freshwater Web Email
Thailand Goldfish2U Co.,Ltd Goldfish exporter Web Email
Thailand Grand Aquatic Co. Ltd Export, import, breeding, aquarium design, aquarium equipment Web Email
Thailand Huawoon Goldfish Goldfish Web Email
Thailand J.K. Tropical Fish Ltd., Part Discus and ornamenatl fish, breeder of Galaxy ray, Leopoldi ray and Pearl ray, Web Email
Thailand Jantanee Aquarium Exporter, Importer & breeder Web Email
Thailand Jeda Aquarium Locally bred tropical fish Web Email
Thailand Kitti Discus Farm Breeder of Bettas, Halfmoon, Crown Tail and Plakad Web Email
Thailand Lim Chareon Aquarium Exporter and wholesaler of tropical fish Web Email
Thailand Luohan Fish Breeder & exporter of flowerhorn Web Email
Thailand Mister Aqua (Thailand) Co., ltd Wild-caught Web Email
Thailand Monde Aquarium Co., Ltd. Exporter of tropical fish Web Email
Thailand P & P Aquarium World Trading Co. Export/Import wholesaler specializing in freshwater tropical fish from Thailand Web Email
Thailand Pattern NK Farm goldfish Web Email
Thailand Q.P.S. International Aquatics Co. Ltd Wild caught, captive bred ornamental freshwater fish Web Email
Thailand Sawasdeegoldfish International Farm Export goldfish and some tropicalfish Web Email
Thailand Siam Goldfish International Goldfish varieties Web Email
Thailand Siam Tropical Fish Co. Ltd Tropical fish exporter and wholesaler from Thailand Web Email
Thailand SiamAquarium Fish & Plants Exporter of tropical fish, gold fish and aquatic plants Web Email
Thailand Siamcrowntail Breeder & exporters of Discus, Bettas, Flowerhorn and Malawi Web Email
Thailand Siamese Cyber Aquarium Bettas Web Email
Thailand Somsak Discus Farm Discus breeder and exporter Web Email
Thailand Suthep and Son Aquarium co.,ltd Export / importer / breeder of live tropical fish in Thailand Web Email
Thailand Takrit Aquarium Co Discus Web Email
Thailand V. Aquarium Ltd Web Email
Turkey Akvaryum Importer Ltd. Sti. Importer wholesale marine fish, tropical fish, live rocks, hard corals, invertebrates etc Web Email
Turkey Canlibitki Import / export, aquarium plants, Lake Tanganyika & South African fish, bred discus, fish food Web Email
Turkey Fishmekan Akvaryum Import &export – Aquarium equipment , tropical fishes , water plants , marine fishes Web Email
Turkey Otuz Akvaryum Dis Tic. Ltd. Sti Import and sale of tropical fish, plants, rare species and materials procurement Web Email
UK Amazon Fish Direct Limited Catfish, plecos, stingrays, piranhas, characins/cichlids, discus Web Email
UK Aquarius Marine imports and trade sales Web Email
UK Aquascape Fish Imports Wholesale tropical, coldwater and marine fish Web Email
UK Atlantis Aquatics Corals, Discus Fish and mail order Web Email
UK BK Aquatics Consolidation of tropical and marines Web Email
UK FH Wardlow & Sons Importer of goldfish, tropical fish and plants Web Email
UK Heat Packs Uk Shipping Warmers Web Email
UK Independent Aquatic Imports Wholesalers Only Web Email
UK Just Marine ltd Marine fish and inverts Web Email
UK Koi Imports UK Importer of Koi from Japan Web Email
UK Swallow Aquatics International Importer Web Email
UK Xotic Fish Centre Wholesale only Web Email
US 5-D Tropical African, South American and Asian imports Web Email
US Afish Show Guppies Web Email
US Angelfish And More Angelfish Breeder, Aquarium Plants, Driftwood, Aquarium Products Web Email
US Angels Plus Angelfish, guppies and bettas Web Email
US Anubias Design South American fish, wild Bettas and aquatic plants Web Email
US AquaScapeOnline Rare and hard to find freshwater tropical fish Web Email
US AquaTech Imports, Inc. Quality wild and cultured corals, marine fish, freshwater fish, koi Web Email
US Aquatic Realm International Import, export & aquacultured Web Email
US Aquatic Wonderland Flowerhorns, discus, malawis Web Email
US Armke’s Rare Aquarium Fish African cichlids and catfish Web Email
US Atlantis Tropical Fish Inc. Importer, breeder and wholesaler of cichlids and catfish from around the world Web Email
US African Cichlids Web Email
US Championship Show Guppies Show Guppies Web Email
US Cichlid Lovers Tropical Fish Cichlids Web Email
US Coral Fish Hawaii Marine tropical fish Web Email
US Denver Tropical Fish Wholesale/ Warehouse Saltwater, freshwater & brackish Web Email
US Discus Hans USA Stendker Web Email
US Discus World High Tech Discus Hatchery Web Email
US Dolphin International Importer Web Email
US East Coast Tranship, Inc. Tropical fish wholesale supplier & direct importer : angelfish, cichlids, betta, lionfish, discus Web Email
US Ed Parker Tropical Fish Wholesale only Web Email
US EkkWill Waterlife Resources Domestic & export sales Web Email
US Eye Catching Coral Live marine coral & fish wholesale import/export Web Email
US Fins N Things Cichlids Web Email
US Fish in the Bag Tranship/Wholesale marine & freshwater fish, wild & cultured corals, live rock, koi Web Email
US Fish Mart Fresh and saltwater fish, imported goldfish Web Email
US Fishfarm USA Cichlid Specialists Web Email
US Wholesale Cichlids, Loricariidae, Piranha, Rays Web Email
US Florida Guppies Plus Guppies and Angelfish Web Email
US Global Aquatics Importers Exotics mostly. Wholesale only. in Chicago Web Email
US Global Oceanic Life Specializing in Australian corals Web Email
US Goldfish & Koi USA Goldfish, koi, cichlids, tropicals, water lilies Web Email
US Great Lakes Discus Discus Hatchery Web Email
US Great River Farms Freshwater Angelfish Web Email
US Guppy Alternative Guppy breeder Web Email
US Gwynnbrook Farm Discus Hatchery Web Email
US Hawaii Discus Discus Fish Web Email
US Heavenly Fish Wholesale fresh & salt water fish and plants Web Email
US Hickory Island Tropical Fish Farm Cichlids Web Email
US Houston Aquarium Warehouse Discus and Tropical Fish Web Email
US International Pet Resource Wholesaler of freshwater, marine and rare fish with special rates for the north eastern US Web Email
US Jeffs Aquatic Life African Peacocks Web Email
US Kaz’s Tropical Fish Thailand imports Web Email
US Kloubec Koi Farm Breeder and provider of Koi Web Email
US Leader Aquatic Corals, live rock, marine fish, freshwater fish Web Email
US Lee Family Koi Farm Koi Web Email
US LIVEROCKS-R-US.COM Live Rocks Web Email
US Luke’s Show Guppies USA and World Class Show Guppies Web Email
US Mamason Koi Koi Web Email
US Live rock export Web Email
US Marine Connection Imports from the Caribbean, Hawaii and Fiji Web Email
US Marks Discus Discus, angelfish Web Email
US Mike’s Cichlids Cichlids and rare tropical fish Web Email
US MJM Aquaculture Corals / Clams Web Email
US Neighborhood Tropical Fish Farm Web Email
US Neptune Aquatics African Cichlids and more Web Email
US New Jersey FishyBiz Freshwater angelfish Web Email
US Oceans Seacrets Wholesale marine life, fish, corals and inverts Web Email
US Oceans, Reefs & Aquariums Marine fish breeders of Clownfish, Dottybacks, Gobies, Blennies and Cardinals Web Email
US Odd Ball Aquatics Rare corys, killies, and cichlids Web Email
US Piranha Rob Tropical Breeders Captive bred piranhas Web Email
US RebMar Reef Enterprises Marine Fish, Coral, and Invertebrates Web Email
US Redland U-Pick Fish Farm All freshwater tropical fish Web Email
US Rehoboth Aquatics Rare African fish and plant imports Web Email
US River Wonders Exotic Amazon tropical fish Web Email
US Rocky Mountain Discus Rocky Mountain Discus Web Email
US Route 66 Marine Australia and high end Indonesia corals wholesale Web Email
US Sea Schor Australia coral Web Email
US Segitiga Bali Exporter of ornamental marine fish Web Email
US Segrest Farms Freshwater, saltwater fish & specialty livestock Web Email
US Siam’s Best Bettas US bred and Thailand imported bettas Web Email
US Socal Tropical Fish Tropical fish, marine fish, clams, invertebrates and corals Web Email
US Southwest Discus Discus, Plecos, Importer Web Email
US Strictly Aquatics, LLC Caribbean fish, inverts and ricordia Web Email
US Sun Pet Ltd. Freshwater / saltwater aquatics Web Email
US Tangled Up in Cichlids New World cichlids, fancy plecos Web Email
US The Cichlid Exchange Wild Malawi Cichlids, Freshwater fish of all kinds Web Email
US Thien An Company Ornamental fish wholesale (Koi, marine fish, discus, tropical fish) Web Email
US TNT Cichlids Importer, breeder and distributor of African cichlids from Lake Malawi and Tanganyika. Web Email
US Tropical sea life, inc. Saltwater fish Web Email
US Tropical Tank Supply Coral Web Email
US Apistogrammas and discus Web Email
US Uncle Ned’s Fish Factory Shubunkins, Comets and Koi Web Email
US Universal Discus Discus Breeder Web Email
US USA Transshippers Transshippers Web Email
US Vast Oceans Marine fish, corals and live rock Web Email
US WaterScapes Aquatic Plant Nursery Live aquatic plants Web Email
US Wet Thumb Aquatics Cichlid Hatchery Web Email
Venezuela newoac c.a. Ornamental fish travel, fishing trips, breeding farm of ornamental shrimp & crayfish Web Email
Viet Nam Saigon Aquarium Corp Export / import tropical fish, Discus, wildfish, guppy, platy, molly, coldfish, tetra, catfish Web Email
Viet Nam Sdn-Marine Life Import Export suspended due to complaints


  • CWT
  • CWT’s main products are tuna, skipjack, marlin, swordfish, blue shark, oilfish, mahi mahi, spanish mackerel, black pomfret etc. We are looking for
  • Telephone: 62-8568562849Address: Muara Baru, Jakarta, Jakarta Raya, Indonesia
  • Craft Gift, Fruit Candy, Ginger DrinIna Foods Exporindo
  • Our company is located in Indonesia. We are trading company. We can supply1. Aquatic product, spesially seaweed. 2. Ginger candy, ginger drink and any
  • Telephone: 62-322-661830Address: Jl. pasar lama 2 Paciran, Lamongan, Indonesia, Propinsi Jawa Tengah, Indonesia
  • Flying Fish Roe, Tobiko, Caviar,AVINDO OCEAN
  • Telephone: 62-411-317928Address: Jl. Sulawesi no. 285, Makassar, Propinsi Sulawesi Selatan, Indonesia
  • Seafood Processing, Mercery Productskemila
  • We are seafood processing and trading. We are specialist of frozen products (fish) . Value added products, our company is one of the biggest leading a
  • Telephone: 62-21-5308668Address: Jl Cikampek Raya No 88, b50Cikampek, Jakarta Raya, Indonesia
  • SeafoodsCV. ERATAMA
  • Telephone: 62-31-5912580Address: Mulyosari, Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia
  • betta fishbolu betta farm
  • bolu betta farm
  • Telephone: 62813-100-00020Address: mars raya no. 2, Jakarta, Jakarta Raya, Indonesia
  • catfish floss,floss,catfish,meatNation Food
  • Nation Food
  • Telephone: 6281-752-13275Address: Dian istana, Surabaya, Propinsi Jawa Timur, Indonesia
  • soybean mealOcean Agro Makmur, CV
  • Welcome to our via alibaba.We are OCEAN AGRO MAKMUR, CV , we pack, trade, and supply frozen bait (milkfish, muroaji, sardine) to fishi
  • Telephone: 62-31-71582747Address: , Sidoarjo, Propinsi Jawa Timur, Indonesia
  • Seafood, crabs, aquatic productsCV. ANEKA CRABS
  • Aneka Crabs is one of a reputed producer of frozen soft-shell crabs from Medan province Indonesia. Distributed and exported worldwide. The soft-shel
  • Telephone: 62-21-63859436Address: Jl. Raya Pasar Baru, Jakarta, Jakarta Raya, Indonesia
  • Milkfish,fish productrifqy utama mandiri
  • We are a supplier of seafood product as: Milkfish wr, milkfish gutted pinbone off, crabmeat, shrimp, fillet, squid.
  • Telephone: 62-31-8551326Address: Jl. Tangkuban Perahu 61, Sidoarjo, Propinsi Jawa Timur, Indonesia
  • Agar-Agar Powder, Gracilaria SeaweedSATELIT SRITI PT
  • PT Satelit Sriti has been running seaweed processing for about 30 years and has been recently developing to be one of the biggest agar-agar producers
  • Telephone: 62-31-5611033Address: Jln. Raya Banyu Urip No. 231, Surabaya, Propinsi Jawa Timur, Indonesia
  • Marine FishYK Marine Online
  • YK Marine Online
  • Telephone: 62-21-33838780Address: Jembatan Tiga 36, Jakarta, Jakarta Raya, Indonesia
  • Seaweed, , ,SeaWeeds Farm.Co
  • We are company growing in Indonesia and we are looking market for seaweed and investment joint. And we able to sign aggrement to supply raw material d
  • Telephone: 62-0852-64535163Address: District Moro Island, Regent Karimun, Riau, Indonesia
  • Electric equipmentsDEAL INDONESIA, CV
  • Our company located in Sulawesi Indonesia, registered at Indonesian government since 2004, Trade license no. 202335112595, VAT no. 02-, 308. 608. 5-
  • Telephone: 62-411-4060720Address: Jl Todopuli VI Puri T Sari A4 no. 12A, Makassar, Propinsi Sulawesi Selatan, Indonesia
  • Mackerel, Japanesse, Chub Mackerel, PT. Cenhong Fisherindo.
  • We are export import all kinds frozen FISH. Base in Muara baru, our coldstorage can storage 180. 000 TON. We are looking for- Indian Mackerel 8 / 10-1
  • Telephone: 62-21-66604291Address: Muara Baru Depan No 30 Blok B1-7, Jakarta, Jakarta Raya, Indonesia
  • High Quality RiceAndy Haryono
  • Andy Haryono
  • Telephone: 62-815-9519073Address: Ruko Citarum Blok H8, Semarang, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia
  • Nugget,Sosis,Kentang,Frozen FoodAGAM CMO
  • Telephone: 62-815-14200360Address: Ciledug, Tangerangb50, Jakarta Raya, Indonesia
  • Trading & ServicesPT. FISHLER ERA SAMUDRA
  • We come from east Indonesia island county have lot of aquatic product like eel fish-fresh fish-fliying fish roe-sea weedGetting support form local Gov
  • Telephone: 062-0411-5069869Address: Wolter Monginsidi# 6, Makassar, Propinsi Sulawesi Selatan, Indonesia
  • Agriculture products, SeafoodPT. GREAT PACIFIC
  • PT. GREAT PACIFIC, is a known trading company, was located in Indonesia. We provide all kind of products for axample: Seafood products ( canned, salte
  • Telephone: 62-61-6643865Address: Komplek Cemara Asri Jalan Flamboyan No. 33, Medan, Propinsi Sumatera Utara, Indonesia
  • Dried Seaweed,Alumunium,Steel,Heavy Mahkota Jaya Abadi
  • Mahkota Jaya Abadi
  • Telephone: 62-021-33400911Address: Jl. Kayu Putih No. 8, Jakarta Selatan, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Fresh Water Fishjust toro
  • just toro
  • Telephone: 62–021-7718506Address: Mahakam, Depok, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
  • Crab Shell,CV. Walet Mas
  • CV. Walet Mas
  • Telephone: 62-31-8964016Address: Jl. Raya Sukosalam 37, Sidoarjo, Propinsi Jawa Timur, Indonesia
  • SKIPJACK,W/R GG YFirawan
  • irawan
  • Telephone: 62001-061-6853030Address: JL. IMAM BONJOL, MEDAN, Propinsi Sumatera Utara, Indonesia
  • Canned Sardine, Tomato Paste, SeafooCv. Pasific Harvest
  • Our family group CV. Pasific Harvest contains three factories, specizlied in producing more than 80 million tins of canned sardine every year and two
  • Telephone: 62-333-593368Address: Jln. Tratas No. 61, Muncar, Banyuwangi, Propinsi Jawa Timur, Indonesia
  • Telephone: 62-551-32388Address: Gajah Mada Street No. 13, Tarakan, Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia
  • Sri-Dj
  • Telephone: 62-852-69333522Address: YOS SUDARSO 24, TEGAL, Propinsi Jawa Tengah, Indonesia
  • Marine Fish,Invertabrate,
  • Telephone: 62-878-58927230Address: Kediri, Propinsi Jawa Timur, Indonesia
  • Tuna Loin,Tuna Saku,Tuna Steak,Cube PT.Winson Prima Sejahtera
  • PT. Winson Prima Sejahtera is located in Medan, Sumatera island which is rich in seafoods.The main fishing ports are Belawan, Sibolga and Banda Aceh.Y
  • Telephone: 62-61-6871741Address: Pulau Solor No. 11-KIM II, Medan, Propinsi Sumatera Utara, Indonesia
  • shrimp, lobster fresh water, Red Clacikawao mtr
  • cikawao mtr
  • Telephone: 62-022-91157100Address: cikawao 43, bandung, Propinsi Jawa Barat, Indonesia
  • Frozen Fish,Crab,Chepalopod,Lizard FMalacca Tropical Harvest, PT
  • Malacca Tropical Harvest, PT
  • Telephone: 62-811-656389Address: Jl. Kepribadian No. 14, Medan, Propinsi Sumatera Utara, Indonesia
  • Frozen Fish Import Export Indian MacCenhong Fisherindo
  • We are Export Import All kinds Frozen Fish. Base in Muara Baru, Jakarta, Indonesia. We have 4 coldstorage. The Headoffice and as Main Coldstroge can s
  • Telephone: 62-21-66604291Address: Muar16a0a Baru Depan No. 30 Blok B1-7, Jakarta, Jakarta Raya, Indonesia
  • // // //
    // ]]>

    • Telephone: 62-81-1289863Address: jl Diponegoro no 24 B, Semarang, Indonesia
    • Seaweed, Gracilaria, Eucheumea CottoUD.Budi Mas
    • UD.Budi Mas
    • Telephone: 62-411-5327188Address: S. Saddang IV / 19, Makassar, Propinsi Sulawesi Selatan, Indonesia
    • Tomato PastaC. V Bali Omega
    • We, C.V BaLI OMEGA, are company who is establihed in 2003 and is located in Negara-Bali, Indonesia. The factory is located near the ocean which make o
    • Telephone: 62-81-1323080Address: Desa Cupel, Negara, Bali, Indonesia
    • Crabs,Seafoods,FishPT Salmosa Group
    • PT Salmosa Group
    • Telephone: 62-859-239811Address: Jln. Hang Lekir No 98A, Medan, Propinsi Sumatera Utara, Indonesia
    • food,beveragestiya
    • tiya
    • Telephone: 62-81-335384788Address: Mentula 18, pangkalpinang, Propinsi Sumatera Selatan, Indonesia
    • Fresh Bigeye Tuna, Yellowfin (SashimCv Lautan Biru Sentosa
    • CV Lautan Biru Sentosa. INC is a trading seafoods company, we’re the importer of live, fresh and frozen seafoods around the world and we also have
    • Telephone: 62-31-7667628Address: Pesapen Kali 16, Propinsi Jawa Timur, Indonesia
    • Seaweed, More Stocks, Eucheuma CotonPt. Multi Buana
    • Pt. Multi Buana
    • Telephone: 62-31-5323464Address: Demak 158, Surabaya, Propinsi Jawa Timur, Indonesia
    • tunaayo corp
    • ayo corp
    • Telephone: 62-31-6543437Address: citraraya, surabaya, Propinsi Jawa Timur, Indonesia
    • Sea cucumberTriviss Indonesia
    • We are agent/distributor for dried sea cucumber based in medan, Indonesia. Our products are in good quality and in competive price. We are looking for
    • Telephone: 62-61-30091504Address: Berawas Street 2K, MedanProvince/State: Propinsi Sumatera Utara, Indonesia
    • Canned Tuna, Loined Tuna, FishmealPT. Pasific Welfare
    • Our company produces canned and loinned tuna (skipjack & Yellow Fin) , located in Bitung-North Sulawesi. Our product is premium quality and have b
    • Telephone: 62-81-73083066Address: Tanjung Sadari 2-4, Surabaya, Propinsi Jawa Timur, Indonesia
    • Tunacv. aman jaya
    • cv. aman jaya
    • Telephone: 62-81-260008029Address: Jalan Mesjid No 28, Aceh Utara, Aceh, Indonesia
    • Eel,Brackish water shrimpRHEZA PRAMADITYA
    • Telephone: 62-21-7691473Address: Jl. Tengah Raya No. 8, Southern Jakarta, Jakarta Raya, Indonesia
    • Internasional, IndonesiaAsooy.Net
    • Asooy.Net
    • Telephone: 62-819-27888843Address: Perum Persada Asri 10f8Blok B. 18 Jl. P. Tirtayasa, Bandar Lampung, Propinsi Lampung, Indonesia
    • Seashells, Hermit Crab, Specimen SheBUMSHELLS – BUM Corp. shells division
    • Greetings, Bumshells is the right place where you can have seashells in large quantity, we are a whole selling company and our costumers comes from ar
    • Telephone: 62-21-77216464Address: Kp Pangkalan# 6 Semanan Kali Deres, West Jakarta, Jakarta Raya, Indonesia
    • sea cucumber,Agriculture productThree Suns Support
    • Three Suns Support
    • Telephone: 62-341-22222Address: Selorejo, Malang, East – Java, Indonesia
    • coral,fish,invertebrate,grouperPT Purawisata Baruna
    • We exporter of high quality marine fish, coral and invertebrates from Indonesia.Now we have new product, mouse grouper for consumption.
    • Telephone: 62-291-444361Address: R Agil Kusumadya Km 4, Kudus, Propinsi Jawa Tengah, Indonesia
    • Marine Fish,Coral,live rock,salt watIndoMega Marine
    • IndoMega Marine
    • Telephone: 62-31-78247825Address: Dharmahusada, Surabaya, Propinsi Jawa Timur, Indonesia
    • Seaweed, Sea FishApola
    • We sell aquatic product such as Seaweed, Fish, Lobster, etc. We also sell VanillaWe want to have long term businessIf you need of those product, pleas
    • Telephone: 62-817-6556777Address: Kayu Putih Utara Ie / 21, Jakarta, Jakarta Raya, Indonesia
    • Agro Products,Cigars,Construction MaValueIndo | Indonesia Trading Company
    • Valueindo is a Trading Company based in Surabaya, Indonesia which has been exporting all over the world from all around Indonesia for 8 yearsFor the l
    • Telephone: 62-31-72116755Address: Rambutan III / 539 Pondok Candra Indah, Waru, Sidoarjo, Propinsi Jawa Timur, Indonesia
    • Yellow Fin, Big Eye, Swordfish, BlueBali Tuna Selatan
    • Bali Tuna Selatan
    • Telephone: 62-361-9152588Address: Ikan Tuna Raya Street, Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia
    • MilkfishCV. Mekatron
    • We are a trading company at Surabaya, Indonesia.Specialized in milkfish.For futher details, pls do not hesitate to contact us.
    • Telephone: 62-31-78378006Address: Jl. Sukomanunggal Jaya I / 20, Surabaya, Propinsi Jawa Timur, Indonesia
    • Pre-cooked Loin Tuna,Whole Round TunPt Gabungan Era Mandiri
    • We are Indonesia processor of Skipjack Tuna, Yellow Fin Tuna, Big Eye, Mahi-mahi, Scad, etc (Whole Round & Loin) . We export of high quality Fish
    • Telephone: 62-21-66604598Address: Jl Muara Baru Ujung Transit (S) No. 3c Dermaga Timur, North Jakarta, Jakarta Raya, Indonesia
    • We are wholeseller and trading company from Indonesia which are offering Towel Pro16a0ducts, Local Spices, Palm Kernell Shell and Local Mining Materia
    • Telephone: 62-878-53043221Address: GRAHA CANDI MAS C48 CANDI SIDOARJO, SIDOARJO Indonesia, Propinsi Jawa Timur, Indonesia
    • TUNA,LOIN FRESHfres tuna loins
    • fres tuna loins
    • Telephone: 62-813-40680024Address: IYAN, MANADO, Propinsi Sulawesi Utara, Indonesia
    • Dried Seaweeds, Euchema Cottonii, GrPT Berkah Bangun Wijaya
    • PT Berkah Bangun Wijaya
    • Telephone: 62-8176-503376Address: Griya Serdang Indah A6 No 1, Serang, Banten, Indonesia
    • Crab, Sea Fish, Squid, cloves, CopraTRI SUMBER JAYA MANDIRI
    • Telephone: 62-21-91260770Address: Jalan Pramuka Raya No 386, Jakarta, Jakarta Raya, Indonesia
    • Fishdjoekay International
    • we are a multinational company
    • Telephone: 62-021-99056299Address: Jl. Raya, East Jakarta, Jakarta Raya, Indonesia
    • FRESH Fish Whole And Fillets,GoldbanSURYA MINA BAHARI, CV
    • We are an Indonesian seafood processor, have a place of business in Banyuwangi, east java. Located 3 hour from Bali Indonesia and processor in Benoa D
    • Telephone: 62-31-71331617Address: Jl. Ikan Tuna I No. 1, Benoa, Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia
    • Surimi, EelNatural Resources
    • Dear sir / madamOur company NATURAL RESOURCE exporter (Indonesia) Fresh fish and frozen, seafood, sea cucumber. And kind of fishes and the sea product
    • Telephone: 62-361-761471Address: Jl. Majapahit No. 28 G, Legian Kuta, Badung, Bali, Indonesia
    • SEAWEED,Fish Maw,fish larvae,sea cucMarine Products
    • About UsOur company is located in Denpasar. Our company’s mission is to supply the top quality and best service to all the customers. We’re sp
    • Telephone: 62-878-68623339Address: jl. raya lovina no 9, buleleng-singaraja, Bali, Indonesia
    • Coal, Clothing, Nickel, Tradingwilliam wongso
    • william wongso
    • Telephone: 62-21-93700782Address: Pluit Mas Selatan V, Jakarta Utara<5a8/td>Province/State: Jakarta Raya, Indonesia
    • live mud crabsDIRECT SEA
    • Telephone: 62-812-44715119Address: Jl Kembang, Man5a8ado, Sulawesi Utara, Indonesia


Lampiran 1 Farm Ikan Hias Dan Konsumsi

Lampiran 2 Balai dan Loka Tawar dan Laut DKP

Lampiran 3 Direktori Ikan Hias

Lampiran 4 Perusahaan Besar Kaltim

Lampiran 5 UPT Karantina Seindonesia














Aquafind Aquafind
Aquamedia Aquamedia
Aquatic Animal Pathogen and Quarantine Information System – AAPQIS Hewan Akuatik Patogen dan Sistem Informasi Karantina – AAPQIS
Aquatic Network Jaringan Akuatik
Database on Introductions of Aquatic Species – DIAS Database Introduksi Spesies Akuatik – DIAS
European Aquaculture Society – EAS Masyarakat Akuakultur Eropa – EAS
FishBase FishBase
FISHSTAT Plus Universal software for fishery statistical time series FISHSTAT Plus software Universal untuk statistik perikanan waktu seri
GROWfish GROWfish
World Aquaculture Society – WAS Masyarakat Akuakultur Dunia – WS

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    Bapak/Ibu Bagian Impor dan Domestic

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    Perkenalkan kami, PT.Fajarindo Buana Express sebagai salah satu perusahaan Jasa Forwarders dan Expedisi yang tergabung dalam GAFEKSI.
    Kami berminat untuk berkerja sama dengan perusahaan Bapak/Ibu dalam bidang Jasa sebagai berikut :

    I. Jasa Kepabeanan
    Customs Clearance Import dengan mekanisme sebagai berikut :
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    2. All in Customs Clearance Import
    Including : Pajak Import, Biaya D.O, Sewa Gudang & other
    3. Export dan import Door to door, Door to port dan Port to port
    4. Menyediakan Undername berdasarkan commodity import-export

    II. Jasa Pengurusan Dokumen Import
    Kami siap menbantu perusahaan bapak/Ibu untuk pengurusan
    kelangkapan perizinan import diantaranya :
    1. Pengurusan API, SRP dan NPIK
    2. Pengurusan LS
    3. Pengurusan SNI
    4. Izin DEPERINDAG
    6. Izin POSTEL
    7. Polis Asuransi

    III. Jasa Transportasi
    PT. FBE menyediakan armada transportasi domestic untuk sbb :
    1. Area sumatera : Via darat, Luat dan Udara
    2. Area Jawa-Bali : Via Darat, Laut dan Udara
    3. Indonesia Timur : Via Laut dan Udara
    Rincian jasa dalam attachment file
    Demikian penawaran kerjasama ini kami sampaikan.
    Atas kepercayaan dan kerjasamanya kami ucapkan terima kasih.

    Thank & regard
    PT. Fajarindo Buana Express
    Mobile : 082122003489
    Flexi : 02171277266
    e-mail :

    Office :
    Jl. Letjend Soeprapto Blok C/2 Jakarta Pusat 10510
    Phone : +6221 42873779, 42885188 Fax : +6221 42885177


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    Jakarta pusat

    Lamp : 1 (Satu) Lembar

    Dengan Hormat,
    Bersama ini kami PT. FAJARINDO BUANA EXPRESS , memperkenalkan
    Perusahaankami yang ingin bekerja sama menjadi salah satu
    Mitra/Rekanan dengan perusahaan Bapak/Ibu pimpin untuk bidang sebagai berikut:

    MELAYANI DOMESTIC, TRANSPORTATION & INTERNATIONAL PROJECT SPECIALIST, INLAND Sea &Air (Door to Door, Fiost,Port to Port, Cy-Cy,di Bidang Angkutan (laut,Darat & Udara) di seluruh wilayah Indonesia.

    Fasilitas Yang kami Miliki:
    Kapal RoRo dengan pengirman reguler dengan tujuan sebagai berikut:
    1.Makasar,Palu,Balik papan,Samarinda,Banjar masin,Pontianak,Riou,Medan,Aceh.
    DWT,Tug & Barge (Tongkang) kapasitas 180,230,270,300 Ft,ke tujuan Seluruh
    Pelabuhan di Indonesia.Container(Joint Space)ukuran 20”&40”FCL,maupun Empty,
    LCL (Joint Consol) Lokal & Export.
    3.Kapl Cargo Break Bulk (Kapal Curah) baik local maupun export & menyediakan
    kapal Bunker.
    4.Jasa trucking: menyediakan sopir,pick up,colt diesel 4 roda & 6 roda box,bak,
    fuso 6 roda & 10 roda, Sesuai yang di perlukan.

    melalui LAUT dan UDARA baik Resmi ataupun Borongan ( All-In )

    Perusahaan kami juga menyediakan UNDER NAME, All In (Borongan) bagi Import yang belum memiliki Licency berdasarkan Commodity.

    Legalitas Perusahaan Yang Kami Miliki:
    1. Izin dan alat Data Transaksi dengan Direktorat Jenderal Bea dan Cukai.
    2. Nomor Pokok Pengurusan Jasa Kepabeanan(NPPJK)yang dikeluarkan oleh
    Dirjen Bea dan Cukai.On Line Pembuatan PIB dan Transfer dengan EDI,System
    (Direct On Line dengan Dirjen Bea dan Cukai atas nama PT. FAJARINDO BUANA EXPRESS
    3. Keagenan kami di Asia, Europe, Afrika, Australia, USA, & Seluruh Wilayah
    Republik Indonesia.

    Licency Import dari kami diantaranya:
    1. API-U, SRP / NIK
    2. UNPICK (Electronik, Mesin dan Toys), IT (Makanan , Besi / Baja)

    Wilayah Kerja / JASA TRANSPORTASI
    Menyediakan armada transportasi domestic via darat,laut & udara
    . Are Sumatra, jawa,bali : via darat, laut & udara
    . Area Indonesia timur : via laut & udara

    Memperlancar usaha anda dengan service yang sangat
    Memuaska & Tepat Waktu. Harga relatif murah / bersaing.

    Demikianlah proposal kerjasama yang dapat kami ajukan, besar harapan kami bila Bapak/Ibu menjadikan kami sebagai salah satu mitra kerjasama yang baik,

    Atas Perhatian dan Kebijakan serta Dukungan yang di berikan
    kami ucapkan terima kasih.

    Hormat kami,

    Office : Jl.letjend soeprapto blok C/2 jakarta pusat ( 10560 )
    Mobile : 081381111441, 082122003489
    Phone : (+62-21)71277266.(+62-21)42873779
    Fax : (+62-21) 4288 5177

    E-mail :



    Kami adalah perusahaan yang menyediakan jasa pembuatan ruang pendingin (freezer) untuk kapal nelayan 30 GT atau ukuran lain , serta sebagai supplier mesin diesel kapal mulai dari 80 hp – 1400 hp.

    Hubungin : Budhi A Pamungkas di mobile phone : +62816621817 : +6282129250429 dan alamat email :


  19. mohon koreksi alamat himpunan mahasiswa erikanan indonesia,, karena terakhir beralamat di ipb adalah tahun 2001,,tks alam hormat aris w


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  25. Dear Bagian Import
    Import and Dosmetics Departement

    Dengan Hormat,
    Perkenalkan kami PT. Hokkindo Jaya Mandiri. Kami adalah perusahaan Jasa Import specialist dalam bidang Jasa Customs Clearance di Kepabeanan baik area Bandara maupun Pelabuhan di seluruh Nusantara, maka dengan ini kami menawarkan jasa pengurusan pabean dan transportasi barang sampai ke tempat tujuan :


    Lisensi Import diantaranya :

    – S R P/ N I K
    – N P W P
    – A P I – U
    – NPIK Electronic

    BAB Hokkindo ( HS Code )
    – BAG XV ( HS NO. 3901 s/d 4017 – PLASTIC )
    – BAG XVI ( HS NO. 7202 s/d 8311 – BASI – BAJA )
    – BAG XVII ( HS NO. 8401 s/d 8548 – MESIN DAN BAGIAN NYA )


    – Kami memiliki izin dan alat transaksi data dengan ( Bea dan Cukai ),
    Nomor Pokok Pengurusan Jasa Kepabeanan ( NPPJK )
    Electronic Data Interchange ( EDI )
    Pemberitahuan Import Barang – Pembuatan Document ( PIB ).

    Note :
    1. Kami mempunyai Agent di beberapa negara eropa,asia dan america,sehingga kami bisa mengerjakan import ex work.
    2. Mengeluarkan Faktur Pajak Standar
    3. Kami mempunyai kantor cabang di Surabaya, Kalimantan, Denpasar Dan Medan.

    Demikian Permohonan Dari Kami, Atas Perhatian dan Kerja samanya Kami
    Ucapkan Terima Kasih.

    Hormat Kami


    Graha Sartika Jl. Dewi Sartika No. 357 Cawang, Jakarta Timur (13630)
    P : +62(21) 8087 1390 (Hunting)
    F : +62(21) 8087 1470
    Mobile : 0821 6002 9005
    Pesan Instan : 24E4B5EE
    Email :
    E-mail :
    Website :


  26. Dengan hormat,

    Bersama ini kami ingin memperkenalkan perusahaan kami yaitu Wahyu Tehnik yang bergerak di Bidang Penjualan, Perakitan dan Pemasangan Diesel Generating Set dengan kapasitas 10 – 1500 kVA. Genset produk kami terdiri dari Silent Type (Kedap Suara) dan Open Type (Industrial type). Perusahaan kami adalah Authorized Dealer dari Diesel engine dan alternator merek terkenal antara lain: Perkins, Cumins, Yanmar, Deutz, Volvo, Stamford, Leroy Somer, Rexford dll. Kami menyediakan stock engine, alternator dan spare part (stockist) untuk mencukupi permintaan dan pesanan dari para pelanggan maupun perusahaan sub dealer atau penyalur.

    Dengan pengalaman lebih dari 42 tahun (sejak 1970) dan didukung kurang lebih 30 orang staf dan teknisi – teknisi handal yang berpengalaman dan bersertifikat serta Quality Control yang ketat, kami telah sukses membangun bisnis ini dengan meraih kepercayaan dari perusahaan Nasional maupun Multi Nasional di dalam negeri antara lain:
    • Bank Central Asia • PT. Jaya Konstruksi
    • Bank International Indonesia • PT. Waskita Karya
    • Bank Danamon • PT. Wijaya Karya
    • Bank Negara Indonesia 1946 • PT. Bumi Serpong Damai
    • Bank Permata • PT. Siemens Indonesia
    • Bank Buana Indonesia
    • ADIRA Finance • PT. Hutama Karya

    Serta ratusan perusahaan lainnya yang telah menjadi pelanggan kami sejak tahun 1970.
    Besar harapan kami sekiranya Wahyu Tehnik dapat dipertimbangkan sebagai salah satu rekanan atau supplier perusahaan Bapak di bidang Diesel Genset, khususnya Diesel Genset Kedap Suara (Sound proof Genset).
    Demikianlah surat perkenalan ini kami sampaikan, atas perhatian dan kerjasama Ibu kami ucapkan terima kasih.

    Hormat kami,

    Ika Nurlita Widyastuti
    ( 083872323688 )


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